As my interest in my "fun, small Barbie project" (ha ha) grew (like a monster), I found out that there is something you can do about this horrible hair! This girl was in the worst condition - she's one I bought on eBay last year. I bought her because I wanted one of the old style Barbie bodies, with the giant chest and miniature waist, so that she could fit into my old Barbie clothes. They are too baggy on the new body styles.
I can't find the original blog I was reading, but there are lots of posts about this online.
Fabric Softener works because their hair is synthetic like (some) clothes! So, you dunk her head for like an hour.
Then you have to brush the shit out of it. It sucks. It's not a fun or rewarding activity at all! It takes a lot of work. You have to start from the ends and work your way toward the scalp. I guess it was worse cause she has this shiny tinsel shit in her hair (maybe she's a mermaid or something? she has lame retarded eye paint).
This is how much of her hair came out in the brushing process.
Ok that was taking too long so we put her outside next. By "we", I mean me and the cats. You can see here though that as it dried, it got a lot better looking.
Fully dry. Doesn't look great but it's better than it was, I guess.
Update: This blog outlines the steps pretty well, and recommends a couple of products that actually resulted in her dolls' hair getting REALLY silky:
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